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Puppy Application

Please keep in mind that the more stringent your criteria the longer you will likely wait. Generally wait times will be longer for the following colours: non tri-colour black and white, sable/sable and white, agouti/agouti and white, any solid colours, as well as any chocolate based colours. We most commonly have: black tri-colours, black phantoms, phantom merles and tri-colour merles. We also will have red, red w/ white, apricot and apricot w/ white slightly less often than our most common colours.  


We can't guarantee wait times. We will do our best to provide you with our best estimate, however ultimately it is up to Mother Nature! Sometimes females have smaller litters than expected, or they may not get pregnant. We reserve the right to change potential pairings at any time.

To apply to purchase a Sterling Doodle puppy, please take the time to fill out the information below.

Often our acceptance email will end up in your spam folder. Please make sure to check your spam folder if you haven't received a reply from us within a few days.

Which gender would you prefer?
What colour(s) would you prefer? Please refer to our doodle colours page if you are unsure of colour options/colour names. Please only select your preferred colours, even if you would consider another colour. For example, if your preference is for a phantom merle puppy, do not select tri-colour as well as phantom merle, even if you would consider a tri-colour. YOU WILL NOT BE LIMITED BY YOUR PREFERRED COLOURS we make pairing decisions based on the preferences of our waitlist. By only selecting your favourite colours we can make more educated choices for future pairings.
What type of doodle are you interested in? Please select only your preferred size(s). For example, if you would prefer a tiny or a mini, do not select medium even if you would consider a medium. YOU WILL NOT BE LIMITED BY YOUR SELECTED SIZE PREFERENCES! We make our pairing decisions based on the preferences of our waitlist. **Please be aware that we can't guarantee adult size, we can only offer our best estimate. **Do not select a size if you are not ok with your puppy potentially getting as large as the largest predicted weight. If you want your doodle to be less than 30 lbs full grown, do not select mini which may be as large as 50 lbs.
What coat type would you prefer (please select all that apply)
Are you looking to have your puppy shipped? We will ship anywhere in the world provided it's possible, however shipping and assocated expenses are your responsibility. We are happy to consider shipping to australia or other "difficult" countries.
Are you looking for breeding rights?
Are you looking for a service dog?
Do you plan to get your new puppy spayed/neutered?
If you plan to spay/neuter your puppy what age would you have it done?
Are you aware that a puppy is potentially a 10-15+ year commitment?
If you are unable to keep your puppy/dog at any age are you willing to return him/her to Sterling Doodles?
Are you willing to provide your puppy with adequate daily exercise and mental stimulation?
Do you plan to enroll your puppy in obedience training?
Deposit information
Breeder's first right of refusal
Grooming Requirements
Breeding Rights
Upload File

If  you click submit and you aren't redirected to the "thank you for your application" page:

1. Please check to be sure you have filled in all fields and answered all questions.

2. Please try using a different web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.)

3. Please try another device (such as a laptop, cellphone, etc.)

4. If none of these steps work please send us an email for alternative submission methods


Thanks for your patience!

Southern Ontario Canada

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Please TEXT or email for first contact. At this time phone calls are available by appointment only. 

© 2021 Sterling Doodles

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